
Showing posts from October, 2017

Democratic Party on HIGH Alert After Assange Is Ready To Give Trump What He Needs To Destroy Them All

Wikileaks founder already stated many times that he is only after the truth and he is not in a direct conflict with Hillary Clinton or the Democratic Party! However, he also hinted many times that he will expose everyone who has done something wrong and if Wikileaks have that kind of information the world will see it! Rep. Dana Rohrabacher met with Wikileaks co-founder and editor in chief Julian Assange last week and will be briefing President Trump on the intel he gathered when he returns to Washington D.C. Rohrabacher learned new information regarding the DNC “hacking,” which Assange has stated did not involve the Russians. Comments made by Republican California Rep. Dana Rohrabacher in a Tuesday radio interview suggest he has information that would absolve Russia of allegations that it hacked the Democratic National Committee. Rohrabacher met with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange two weeks ago in the Ecuadorian embassy in London where Assange took asylum afte...


Vice President Mike Pence was called once again to decide a tie-breaking vote in the Senate, this time to revoke a regulation from Obama’s time in office that blocked states from denying federal funds to abortion providers including Planned Parenthood. Just like past month when Pence had to decide the confirmation of Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, progressive Republican Senators Lisa Murkowski from Alaska, and Susan Collins from Maine were defectors, setting a 50-50 tie. Murkowski and Collins both support Planned Parenthood and introduced a bill at the last Congress that aimed to block Republicans form de-funding the largest abortion provider in the country. The vote on Wednesday was under the Congressional Review Act that allows Congress to rescind policies with a majority vote in both chambers, signed by the President. Senator Joni Ernst, from Iowa, and Congresswoman Diane Black, from Tennessee, issued the CRA legislation to revoke the regulation that takes...

BREAKING! Lynch REFUSES Congress: I Won’t Answer

The fact is, Attorney General Loretta Lynch was following orders from the White House. Ever since the Federal Bureau of Investigation gave Hillary a free pass, Trey Gowdy has been assailing Attorney General Loretta Lynch with criticisms as to why she allowed this miscarriage of justice to happen. The Washington Times reports that on October 20, Barack Obama’s former Attorney General Loretta Lynch privately met with Congressional Republicans about her “tarmac meeting” with former President Bill Clinton, husband of failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, in June 2016. What they discussed is unknown, but many suspect it had something to do with the Obama Justice Department giving Hillary a pass on various scandals, particularly her illegal use of a private server to share classified material.  Loretta Lynch didn’t feel much like talking: Mrs. Lynch has been accused of attempting to influence the FBI’s investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s private ...

62% of Americans Officially Want President Trump to Eliminate Welfare for Illegals – Do You Agree?

According to the polls, the American people are actually far more aligned with President Trump’s policies and ideologies than the leftist mainstream media likes to portray on television. As reported by Breitbart, in a new Rasmussen poll, 62 percent of likely voters said they support barring new immigrants to the US from receiving welfare benefits for at least five years, which is a policy that Trump mentioned in a recent speech. Most likely to support the ban are middle-class Americans making $30,000 to $50,000, with 72 percent in favor. Even those who describe themselves as “moderates” support it at a rate of 61 percent. This poll indicates that Americans don’t want just any immigration, but those that are capable and willing to work without receiving government handouts aka OUR tax dollars. Questions about illegal immigration were also asked for the poll, and the results are definitive: Those who support the policy forcing those seeking welfare to prove the...


While companies across the country are tripping over themselves to cater to Islam, major home improvement retailer, Lowe’s, just showed that they’re for Americans, in a bold way that’s not been seen before. As other big box stores like Target side with the minority while spitting in the faces of their real customer base, Lowes is likely to see some major income gains after what they did, which proud patrons couldn’t agree more. Muslims everywhere in our country, who have enjoyed the apology tour for too long, is waltzing into this store unexpectedly facing the nasty reality that’s long overdue and definitely over now. Welcome to the country under President Donald Trump, where things are much different than they were just a year ago. If you didn’t realize there was a show in cable T.V. called  All American Muslim , you aren’t alone. The TLC network probably thought this reality type TV program was a good idea that would appeal to the masses more than thei...

ESPN Lost 480,000 Subscribers in October

There are a variety of ways, in which businesses judge whether they’re having a successful business day. However, if you’re losing over 15,000 customers a day, that is generally frowned upon. No doubt, there are many frowns being worn on the faces of ESPN executives after reviewing the October Cable Coverage  Estimates . ESPN  lost  over 15,000 subscribers for every day ending in “y,” during the month of October. To put that into perspective, that’s the equivalent of  losing  Sacramento, California, the 35th largest city in the country, in a month. While many would welcome the loss of Sacramento, for a variety of reasons, when discussing losing a city of that size in a ratings  context, it's horrifying Of course, ESPN isn’t the only cable sports giant to lose massively among subscribers. FS1 584,000 households in the month of October. Though, it is noteworthy, that FS1’s ESPN-esque decline has coincided with their efforts to repeat the ...

WikiLeaks Just Released One Email That Proves Hillary’s Been Lying All Along — Lock Her Up!

Three words may just doom Hillary Clinton’s defense strategy when she is called to testify about the 2010 treasonous Uranium One deal she and her husband profited from. “It’s out there.” Those were the words Tony Carrk, research director for Hillary Clinton, emailed to Jennifer Palmieri and Brian Fallon, who are respectively Hillary’s Communication Director and Press Secretary. Thanks to Wikileaks, the email has been posted online. It was a story published in April of 2015 by the Daily Caller regarding the suspicious role Hillary played in turning over 20 percent of America’s uranium to a Kremlin-linked energy company called Rosatom, reports The Duran. The article, entitled ‘Firm Co-Founded By Hillary’s Campaign Chair Lobbies For Russia’s Uranium One’ began to connect the dots that will lead to Hillary’s future indictment. How can it not, when nearly every form of political corruption is linked to Clinton by far less than six degrees of separation? ...

Pastor William Barber: Trump’s Wall Is An ‘Illegal Wall’ And It Is ‘Raping People’s Chances To…’ (VIDEO)

William Barber, pastor at Greenleaf Christian Church in Goldsboro, NC, stated that the projected United States – Mexico wall is a “criminal wall” that is “raping people’s opportunity.  “I was at the border,”  Barber stated for MSNBC’s “AM Joy.” “We walked into the Rio Grande. We watched families have to walk into the Rio Grande to touch family members they hadn’t seen for 16 years.” “I went to the wall. We saw children reaching through the walls. I didn’t see rapists and criminals. I saw a criminal wall and wall that is raping people’s opportunity.” Barber went on saying that according to him the wall is a sin and his goal is to separate humanity. He added that it looks like a cage – and that the US basically wants to cage all these poor people from the other side. According to him it is a symbol of racism, white nationalism and supremacy. Barber also said that he never heard about building a wall with the Canadian border where according him the real ‘...

AG Jeff Sessions Says He Will Not Prosecute Clintons or Deep State Crooks – Sessions Is Compromised and Must Go!

(Gateway Pundit) – Jason Chaffetz, former House of Representatives member and Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform was on Justice with Judge Janine Pirro Saturday night and he again dropped a BOMBSHELL about Attorney General Jeff Sessions: Judge Janine: …What can you do?Chaffetz: Yeah, the State Department has been holding tens of thousands of documents on a case that they claim is closed.  And when I met with Attorney General Sessions much like Ron DeSantis did, I basically got a stiff arm.  I got an Attorney General that said he would not comply, he wasn’t going to do any sort of prosecutions and it’s such a huge difference.  When he was a Senator he would have never put up with that. Judge Janine went on to ask if Sessions was afraid of them (i.e. deep state)?  She also asked if they all (Congress and Washington politicians) had so many skeletons?  The Judge then correctly s...