Democratic Party on HIGH Alert After Assange Is Ready To Give Trump What He Needs To Destroy Them All

Wikileaks founder already stated many times that he is only after the truth and he is not in a direct conflict with Hillary Clinton or the Democratic Party! However, he also hinted many times that he will expose everyone who has done something wrong and if Wikileaks have that kind of information the world will see it! Rep. Dana Rohrabacher met with Wikileaks co-founder and editor in chief Julian Assange last week and will be briefing President Trump on the intel he gathered when he returns to Washington D.C. Rohrabacher learned new information regarding the DNC “hacking,” which Assange has stated did not involve the Russians. Comments made by Republican California Rep. Dana Rohrabacher in a Tuesday radio interview suggest he has information that would absolve Russia of allegations that it hacked the Democratic National Committee. Rohrabacher met with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange two weeks ago in the Ecuadorian embassy in London where Assange took asylum afte...