President Trump Broke The Largest Crime Ring In The US

Liberals have been trying to make Donald Trump look like a racist, closed-minded person for cracking down on deporting illegal aliens. However, it was just revealed that Trump’s actions have actually just rid the U.S. of a massive crime ring.

When Trump was inaugurated last month, there was reportedly a massive crime ring with millions of members spread all over the globe all engaged in major fraud against the U.S., with their goal being to steal as many of our tax dollars as they can. The ring involves immigrants from all over the world communicating with each other over informal networks that are somehow also linked together. Through these networks, they discuss things that await them in America like free money from welfare, free education and free health care.

Once in the U.S., the illegal aliens get on welfare and immediately start gaming the system, making so much money that they can send a large portion of it back home. In some cases, they are supporting hundreds of people back in their home villages with U.S. tax dollars.

Illegal immigrants have formed networks to trade food stamps, fake social security numbers and other documents. The Democrats know this is happening, yet they let it slide because they know these illegal aliens will vote for them in election.

Now, however, Trump is putting a stop to this by issuing executive orders that bust up these crime rings and send these illegal aliens back to their home nations. SHARE this story if you think these illegal immigrant criminals DESERVE to be deported!


  1. There is one truth about the happenings in America today - a new President Donald J. Trump is at the helm of affairs in America now. He is a true American who promised American voters that he would address the issue of illegal immigration if voted into the highest office of the land.

    President Trump is a man of his word. He will do all that he promised American voters which include building the wall and handling illegal immigration matters. If the wall is built first, illegal immigration will be checked to a greater extent. What will be the need of sending illegal immigrants back where there is a porous wall through which they will re-enter in to America?

    The whole arrangement is like a chain reaction in which all the individual stages are interconnected and indispensable.

  2. Thank
    President is President Donald J. Trump.

  3. it's about time we have a man in office who does'
    nt turn the other way when he sees what's happening around us that others may not. all who go against him will be put to shame & i say so be it

  4. God bless our President trump he is the best ever THAY need to leave President trump a lone and let him do his job but liberals and Demacrats think THAY so tuff little wassies is what THAY are and stupid ones at that

  5. If the people in these crime rings are voting, there needs to be some explaining by the Democrats, eh?

  6. So good to have someone in the White House who cares for America!


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