Maxine Waters Just Attacked Melania Trump, SUDDENLY Everyone Saw What’s Wrong With Her

Donald Trump loves to use Twitter to attack his opponents — but he has nothing on Maxine Waters. Her Twitter timeline is a collection of hate and fake news, almost all of which centers on Trump.
This week, Mad Maxine decided to attack Trump’s marriage.
In the tweet, Waters claims that “Melania can’t trust Trump.”

The implication is pretty clear. She’s calling Trump a cheater. 
Like much of what Waters says, there is no actual evidence to back up her claims — but her supporters don’t mind. If they cared about facts, they wouldn’t be fans of Waters in the first place.
Thankfully, even Democrat leadership seems to be put off by Waters’ antics.
But maybe we’re being too hard Auntie Maxine. After all, she’s the best example of leftist hysteria we have. And the poor woman is clearly jealous that Melania is in the White House.
So let’s SHARE her latest attack against the Trumps.
That way, everyone can see how desperate and crazy the left have become.


  1. Maxine is really showing her TRUE colors.

  2. How does Maxine know Melania can't trust her husband? Has she been sleeping with him?

    1. She would have to put date-rape in his coffee and then she ugly enough to scare his pecker up his butt to hide

    2. I don't know if even date rape drugs would work Maxine is seriously UGLY!!!!

  3. Drain the swamp!!! Time to flush her and all the liars,

  4. *** "Sometimes alone I cry",.... as i see Our America being devastated, by the incessant TERROR and DESTRUCTION... left behind by the #OBAMA, along with the harrowing aggression of the #BLM, the #ANTIFA, the #Muslim, and the Elite 's like the #RINO'S, the #CLINTON's, the #Soros, with aid and assistance of the CORRUPT #FBI, the #CIA, the #IRS,and the #Obama moles, that are aiding and abetting, the intentional aggression and insult, to Our Founder's, and Framer's, whom , with Moral's, Value's and Ethic's, produced our Constitution, that guided Our "One Nation under GOD", for many years. *** I know that though I may feel alone, that there are million's more Patriot American's, that feel as I do, and are joining me in a fervent prayer, that Our Creator will return his favor, and forgive ,those that transgressed the beauty of Americas former well-being, and that God Will right our paths to regain our ability to Follow the Rule's of life , be respectful as in The Golden Rule, as we rely upon our personal accountability, to UNITE in becoming true to Our Nations Motto that "WE ARE ON NATION UNDER GOD", and to HIM, We owe our Praise and Thanksgiving...for the gift of this land we call America. AMEN and AMEN.

    1. robert Hummel, thank you for your honest and perfect comment.

    2. Robert Hummel, What a great comment and very true! I totally agree with everything said. I pray for Trump, Pence and our other leaders that I feel confident are trying to bring about change for the good of our nation. We serve a Mighty God who is still on His Throne, still in control. He hasn't given up on us and we must not give up on Him. Prayer is a mighty force that moves mountains through Gods' Almighty Hands. This is a battle royal but God put a fighter in the White House. We must keep him and the faithful ones covered in prayer for protection. They need wisdom and guidance. This will be a four year battle! May God bless America and our leaders and us!

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  6. How do you attack a woman who is beyond reproach? Melania exudes such grace and dignity! That is the problem for the old lunatic! Melania is everything she isn't! Thank God that Melania has enough grace to bold her tougne, because a confrontation is just what Maxine wants!

  7. Maxine Waters should be on the domestic terrorist list. All she seems to want to do is terrorize the American citizen with her big mouth & misinformation.


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