After Hillary Called Trump a Sexual Predator, WATCH The Reporter Embarrass Her on Live TV

BBC reporter Andrew Marr asked Hillary Clinton about her longtime friend Harvey Weinstein’s sexual abuse allegations and her response is truly despicable. Although she did say Weinstein’s behavior was unacceptable, and praised the women for coming forward, she followed it up by trying to compare him to President Trump.“We have someone admitting to being a sexual assaulter in the Oval Office,”Hillary said.
WOW… The woman who has been married to an alleged rapist for decades, including while he was President, had the nerve to say we shouldn’t “tolerate” this behavior in the Oval Office. The same Oval Office where her husband used his power to pressure a 21 year old intern to give him oral sex. The same Oval Office where her husband paid nearly 1 million dollars to settle a sexual abuse lawsuit with Paula Jones.
The BBC reporter was shocked to hear her hypocrisy, and followed up by asking why she doesn’t also “support” Bill Clinton’s rape accusers who have come forward. Her response will make you sick. (Video Below)
Hillary shrugged off her husband’s accusations, saying they are all “in the past” and have been litigated. In reality, Bill Clinton has never been charged. Bill Clinton’s rape accuser, Juanita Broaddrick even accused Hillary of intimidating her and other victims into silence. President Trump has NEVER accused of anything like Bill Clinton has done. These comments by Hillary are repulsive and it’s good to see this BBC reporter caller her out on it. WATCH this reporter expose her hypocrisy then SHARE on Facebook so we can make it go viral! Comment below
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