Pelosi To Let Seniors Go HUNGRY If Trump Doesn’t Do This One Sick Thing For Her

I hope you don’t like national parks, tax refunds, or social security benefits, because Nancy Pelosi is willing to risk them all to help illegal immigrants.
Earlier this week, the minority leader issued a joint statement with Chuck Schumer attacking the president’s newly-announced immigration agenda. The president’s plan outlined the administration’s must-haves in order to write DACA into law.
Pelosi claimed that Trump “can’t be serious about compromise or helping the Dreamers” with his list of demands.

In a subsequent interview with the Washington Post, Pelosi claims that she is willing to shut down the government unless immigration reform happens her way.

“Some House Democrats are raising the specter of withholding support for must-pass spending legislation later this year in response to President Trump’s hard-line immigration proposals,” Pelosi said.

“What the White House put forward is a complete non-starter,” she added, suggesting that she agrees with these unnamed House Democrats. “There’s nothing in it to negotiate.”
And there it is. Nancy Pelosi won’t negotiate with the president — even after he gave them an opportunity to save these so-called “DREAMers.”
It’s all pretty standard for the Democrats. They don’t care about illegal immigrants OR legal citizens. They don’t even care about the law they’re employed to create. After the interview, Pelosi retweeted a post that equated legal status to a “piece of paper.

So what DO Democrats care about? Only themselves.
How do you feel about Pelosi’s priorities? Comment and SHARE if you don’t support her plan to shut down the government.
If Pelosi is allowed to do this, social security checks will end and senior citizens will go hungry.


  1. Please get this idiot out of the gov't , All she is out to get more money from the taxpayers, She really is insane. She belongs in a Alzheimer ward in a city hospital, I've seen people that have Alzheimer that are more with it than she does. Why is she still taking a plane to SF every weekend on us and charging us for her $1,000 liquor bill to bring to her home. Let them buy their own, I hope one of her " children" the "dreamers" attack someone in her family .

  2. Pelosi is an idiot who has consumed more alcohol than any sane human being should. She's unable to maintain a continuous flow of words when she's speaking, and sounds like a total moron more often than not. Too many of these politicians have been in office so long that they forgot what they are supposed to be doing there. Their job is not to concern themselves with illegal immigrants, Muslims, and refugees, but our own American citizens who have been pushed out of work, by all of the above who will work for lower wages, and live in overcrowded housing, which spoils the whole community they take up residence in. For them, it's better than the hovels they left behind, and all their anchor babies qualify them for assistance from our social programs, benefits they would never get in their homeland. Pelosi welcomes these illegals, because they will vote, and they always vote for democrats. That's the reason California is on the verge of bankrupcy: Democrats and liberalism.


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